## Please edit system and help pages ONLY in the master wiki! ## For more information, please see MoinMoin:MoinDev/Translation. ##master-page:Unknown-Page ##master-date:Unknown-Date #acl -All:write Default #format wiki #language en ## DO NOT TRANSLATE, UNFINISHED. = Groups = <<TableOfContents>> A group is a simple data structure that maps a group name to a set of group member names. It can be used e.g. within ACL definitions to specify groups of users. The group name usually is something like `EditorGroup` (some word ending with `Group`). This default pattern can be changed (e.g. for non-english languages etc.), see page_group_regex on HelpOnConfiguration. The group members are just arbitrary names (unicode strings). Note that groups are not limited to ''user'' names, you can also define a group of your favourite wiki pages (but you would need some code that uses that group in a somehow useful way). == Wiki Groups == === Defining === You can create a group definition for a group named `EditorGroup` by creating a page called `EditorGroup` with this content: {{{ #format wiki These are people that are trusted to edit pages on this wiki: * JaneDoe * this is ignored * JoeDoe * [[John Smith]] }}} Important: * Group members have to be on an unordered first-level list. * If link markup is used, the link target will be added as member. Please only use rather simple link markup. * Everything else (other text, second-level items, etc.) is ignored. * You have to explicitly ''use'' the group (there are no hardcoded group names in moin), see below. === Usage === Use groups to define permissions for those users on your wiki (see HelpOnAccessControlLists). For example, you could have this in your wiki config: {{{ acl_rights_default = u'EditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read' }}} Of course you can also use the group in on-page ACLs: {{{ #acl EditorGroup:read,write,delete,revert All:read' }}} === Protecting them === If your default ACL allows writing for everyone, it is a good idea to protect critical group definition pages with some more restrictive ACL. E.g. on a group definition page `AdminGroup`: {{{ #acl AdminGroup:read,write,revert All:read #format wiki Members of this group will get admin rights. If you think you should be in this group, contact one of its members to add you. * SomeAdmin * AnotherAdmin }}} As you see: only members of this group may write to the group definition page (and of course everyone who gets write rights from acl_rights_before in the wiki config). === Using groups within groups === You can also add names of other groups as group members, that is the same as including all their members directly. == Other ways to define groups / access group definitions == !MoinMoin can also use group definitions from other sources, but this needs to be configured in your wiki config. See `groups` on HelpOnConfiguration.